My sister first had a Reading with Rhonda over the telephone in Melbourne and it completely blew her away. I was so curious after hearing about it that I just had to see her. That Reading was a turning point in my life. A complete kick up the backside that I so desperately needed. My ego was resisting so many things that I couldn’t see the amazing opportunities being presented to me, my vision was confused, and my path clouded. It took a few days after letting it all sink in, but I regained a sense of being, peace & clarity that had been missing for years. At the time I was applying for a working visa in France, with many doubts and obstacles getting in the way. In the first ten minutes without any prior knowledge, she asked me ‘Have you ever thought about going to Paris?’. I laughed out loud. I mean how did she know?! Rhonda’s accuracy at pinpointing significant moments in my life and her knowledge of my current situation was astounding.
It’s now a year later and I just had my second Reading with Rhonda over the phone a week ago. Yes, here in wonderful Paris. The oceans and distance between us didn’t diminish her ability in the slightest. She knew exactly the areas in my life that needed guidance and clarity with unequivocable precision. I know now that I’m definitely on my path. Rhonda has since given Readings to friends & family of mine in Melbourne, Italy and Paris with the same astonishing results. I can’t recommend Rhonda more highly.
So, thank you Rhonda for your everything, and I’m sure this is an amazing connection that will continue for many years to come.
All my respect and happiness..