Sometimes if your fortunate, you meet an earth angel that guides you through life, at its hardest and most challenging times.
Rhonda has been Reading for me for the past 12 years.
I can’t thank her enough for her guidance ,support,and sharing of the amazing gift she has.
At times when I don’t know how I can go on, or make sense of what life is trying to show me… Rhonda has always been able to explain what purpose the lessons and challenges have been for me on my journey.
I hope by writing this, that anyone who doubts the gift of Spirits voice
may believe that Rhonda is here with us to share her honest and sometimes not easy to hear intuitive gift to guide us through our lives.
Many heartfelt thanks again Rhonda,
for sharing your beautiful gift, and truly helping me over the years to learn to love myself when I never thought I could.