Hands of Destiny

Jewels, Tugan, Queensland, Australia.

I have had the privilege of knowing Rhonda for over twelve years! In that time, I have experienced the amazing power of Rhonda’s GIFT.
During this time – for various reasons I have sought wisdom and understanding , and clarification for some situations in my life. I have ALWAYS been so enriched by the experience and empowered to walk the truth of my own life.
I know that when I go to Rhonda – I will hear Spirit’s words for me – in that moment of my life. I have been to some other clairvoyants over my lifetime, and I have never met anyone whose message is so clear: so definite: so ‘spot on’. She is truly an amazing woman who has so much to give to us all.
I have been deeply touched by Rhonda’s courage in ‘speaking her word as she hears it from Spirit’. She knows that her ‘gift’ is to enable others to ‘listen to their own truth and then hopefully follow it in their everyday lives. I experience Rhonda as a ‘catalyst’ enabling people to ‘change’ to come into ‘freedom’ and to ‘walk into peace’ as we follow the wisdom that Spirit speaks through her.
One of the gifts I have been given is that some of what Rhonda shares is a ‘confirmation’ of what I ‘knew at some level’ but some of this wasn’t clear or some I had discounted.
In these time of great change in our world – I believe that Rhonda’s gift is needed more than ever for those who are ‘open’ and ‘willing to ‘listen’.
Over the years I have encouraged many of my friends to go to Rhonda and I never cease to be amazed at the way in which each one is gifted.
I want to thank you Rhonda for your gift and for your courage: your sensitivity: your love and your compassion. You are truly an amazing woman Rhonda. Your GIFT is a blessing for us all. I thank you for having the courage to ‘use your gift’ to enrich the lives of so many of us.