Mmmmm, a very butt kicking experience.
Rhonda doesn’t cut any corners, or even dignifies the thought of flattering your ego, she cuts to the chase, as she stares you in the eyes asking, `did you get that, are you sure! , perhaps not what you might want to hear, but definitely what you need to hear.
She kicked my butt more often than not as I tried to use words I felt supported my apparent actions, or non actions as it turned out.
Her messages of advice come straight from Spirit, pure and simple, no bullshit.
Rhonda is a genuine channel for Spirit, that you can be sure of.
Spirit’s advice helped me to get a focus, to get some clarity in my life.
If you are at crossroads in your life or just needing some genuine unbiased advice to help you on your path, you wont be disappointed!
Love and Light my butt kicking friend,