Hands of Destiny

Brandon, Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.

Hi Rhonda.

It’s Brandon here. I hope you are well and it is ok that I contacted you again.

Firstly, I have spoken to my friend about a lot of things recently. Especially my attitude about a number of things in life. Looking back, when I was having the Readings with you and Spirit over those years, my life improved so much, and I was always supported. Every time I left your place, I always left with a different perspective on events and always felt more positive. However, even though you kept telling me that everything that happened was for our higher good and they were all lessons to take us to a new level, I never really grasped that concept.  I was so fixed on particular outcomes. I got so frustrated and kept forgetting that everything was for my higher good. My attitude to you and Spirit was unacceptable and I am sorry. If you will accept my call, I would like to speak to you and apologize. I am hoping that you can accept my apology. I am hoping that I might be able to get support from you and Spirit again. If not, that’s ok. I’m glad I made a proper apology after my poor behavior and attitude.

Thanks again for all your help over those years.
