Hi Rhonda!!!
Ohhhh, I am still reeling in the awe-inspiring experience of your gifts, and smiling and laughing spontaneously at the realisation of the authenticity I now feel for myself!!! Your kindness, understanding, empathy and genuine caring energy just TOTALLY blew my socks off, and today my nerves are sooooooo much calmer, I feel more balanced….it’s like my soul has been given a HUGE detox, one that it has been needing for the longest time. I really REALLY love this feeling I have – a lightness of being that is subtly starting to change even my thought patterns regarding certain things, and I’m starting to visualize all the things I’ve been wanting to do but have been much too scared to try on my own…I can REALLY see myself doing them, without fear of judgment or guilt or anything.
I know it’s going to take some time for everything to come about (and I will listen to the tape many times I’m sure!!!), and of course there’s always a sense of ongoing healing and journeying, but I must emphasize how precious that reading was/is to me. I cannot BELIEVE that I waited so damn long for something so incredibly inspiring and heartfelt. This is real transformation at the deepest level.
I want to send you a CD when I’m back on the Gold Coast too – glad ya dig it! And for the first time in months, I am excited about finishing off these abandoned tracks too!!! I know I owe it to myself and to the continuance of my beautiful journey to grow and expand beyond, so it’s bloody time to get crackin’!!!
I have no idea when, but I would love to come back for another “life-giving” reading. You are an incredible woman with a strong and wise open heart, and I thank you from my deepest core with loving gratitude in the highest love and light.
Feel free to use any of this for your testimonials too. This lightwork must be so rewarding for you, and I am only humbly grateful that I can be of any assistance in spreading the word of your divinely inspired healing power 🙂
Looking forward to seeing you again soon!!!!!!
Much love and light to you Rhonda,
Lija oxoxoxoxoxoxoxo