Hi Rhonda,
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the push 19 months ago that I desperately needed. I was lost, clearly sent to you by Spirit and given the advice to teach me how to grow and to leave the past alone. Everything in your Reading was true and accurate even though I was apprehensive at the time with the devastation that I had a lot of work to do before I could meet my person and get to a point that I was finally happy in my life. I just want to mention to all who reads this, learn to respect Rhonda like I do so very much, as she truly is an angel here to help guide us (sugar coated or not), understand she is not a Reader that is going to give you flowers just because that’s what you want to hear, she will give you the truth that you need and if it’s not what you want to hear then deal with it and learn to heal yourself as she is always right on the money. I cannot thank you enough for helping me become the best version of myself. xx