Hi Rhonda,
I have recently had my second Reading with you and wanted to share my journey to date with others so they could see the learning’s and growth that come through from Spirit,
I found Rhonda by accident through Goggle when I was trying to find the details of another clairvoyant and her name came up in all of the results. I felt amazingly compelled to click on her link. My intuition told me that this is who I needed to speak to as I had not been trusting the messages I had been receiving and had to hear from the “big guns” so that I would pay attention to my life purpose.
Via Rhonda’s first Reading, Spirit gave me the biggest kick up the backside. This resulted in some massive changes to my life over a four-month period. Rhonda gave me some reading to do and homework as well which assisted me with my development.
I recently had a second reading where Spirit said that my son would be driving to see me. I had not seen him for some time. Very surprisingly, the next day he rang and came to visit. As Rhonda says “Spirit never gets it wrong,”
If I had not been guided to Rhonda through Spirit via Google, I am not sure I would have experienced the growth and had the courage to make some of the changes I have made in my life.
If you are ready to hear what you need to hear and open to making change then make sure that you speak to Rhonda for spiritual guidance.
Thank you for all of your guidance and support to date.