Hands of Destiny

Kathy, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Dear Rhonda,

I’ve never written a testimonial before. I suppose it’s like a reference. I’ve written plenty of those but always in the workplace. The phone Reading I had with you was not work related but life related and drew from the Universal Source, the Universal Energy that inspires us all and that you have been gifted with interpreting.

My finding someone who could jpeg the information you asked for to help with our Reading was a gift in itself. I really had only one major query. This was the one you engaged with last. The early information about my family members was soul-soothing. A mother senses when her child (of whatever age) isn’t living the life that would bring him or her the greatest fulfillment. All the same, once children reach a certain age, they have to be allowed fly their own flags. Your explaining that my son’s situation would change, and the rationale involved just made the sunshine for me. I had already made up my mind to move and to start clearing clutter to make the transition easier. Your unprompted articulating of this was very validating. I had also changed a bothersome element in my working life which again, you identified. In the past twelve months or so an idea I had for a book about a decade ago has re-visited me and you identified that I would be writing and would feel rewarded by the experience. My major issue involved a man who had been paying me attention in the last year or so and who had really captured my heart. Your explanation about that whole troubled relationship and your description of the man’s character simply gelled with me and made sense. I have just ‘dropped my burden.’ It has fallen from my heart. I am ready to move on. What a relief.

Thank you so much Rhonda. You are the real deal and I’m glad you are.

Warm regards,
